Cartoon image of smiling teeth with Invisalign clear aligners

Advantages of Invisalign

March 31, 2022 8:00 am | Published by

New Columbia Dentistry offers Invisalign® clear aligner therapy to provide patients with improved oral function and esthetic enhancement. Custom aligners are worn for about two weeks before being switched out for the next set in the series.

This popular orthodontic treatment comes with many advantages over traditional metal braces. For example:

  1. Comfortable & Discreet
  2. Invisalign clear aligners are carefully crafted out of clear, flexible plastic to fit snugly over your teeth. Their thin material is smooth and comfortable.

    Some patients worry braces will look unappealing or will attract unwanted attention to their in-progress smile. In contrast to noticeable metal brackets and wires, clear aligners can be virtually undetectable until your treatment is complete!

  3. No Food Restrictions
  4. With clear aligners, you don’t need to worry about what you can and cannot eat. Because you remove your aligners whenever you eat or drink anything other than water, you can eat what you’d like, including popcorn! You only need to follow a few extra steps. These include safely storing your aligners during your meal; brushing and flossing your teeth after eating; and rinsing your aligners before putting them back in.

  5. Simple Oral Hygiene
  6. Due to the removability of clear aligners, it’s easy to maintain a daily oral hygiene routine during your orthodontic treatment. After removing your aligners, you can brush and floss as usual. Then clean your aligners with dish soap and a soft bristled toothbrush that is different than the one you use to brush you teeth. You should also regularly soak them in a Invisalign crystals, denture cleaner, or retainer clear to prevent bacterial buildup.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Washington, DC

Is a beautifully straight smile on your wishlist? Our team can help you achieve a smile you’re proud of with our various cosmetic dental services, such as professional teeth whitening, veneers, and Invisalign. Contact us today to schedule a cosmetic consultation at New Columbia Dentistry in Washington, DC.

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Image from Authority Dental under CC 2.0

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